Monday, February 6, 2012

La Nature Contrôlée






La nature est souvent manipulée afin d’être plus apprécié. Aujourd'hui, les hôtels dans le monde modifient la nature de créer leur propre type d’environnement. Les vacanciers aiment bien les palmiers parfaitement alignés et les cascades générées par haut pompes à motricité. Au lieu de nager dans la mer (qui est environs 40 degrés en hiver), ils peuvent nager dans une piscine qui ressemble à l'eau de la mer, mais est 80 degrés et est chlorés. La nature fausse devient plus agréable que la réalité. Comme la modernisation entre dans le monde, la nature fausse est ce que les gens commencent à vouloir. Le réel est considéré comme « trop chaud » ou « trop froid, » « trop venteux » ou « trop ensoleillé. »

Palm Springs, CA 2012


  1. Really awesome photos! As was clearly stated in class, the strongest one is the aerial view of the ducks. The stark, geometric lines are really popping. I especially like the ones that include ducks because it brings something living and moving into a scene with still water and still shapes.

  2. Great concept and absolutely vibrant photos. I think the first one reflects what we've studied in class really well because it's similar to the reflections in storefronts of Atget, only on the water. It creates a strange sort of semi-reality because we know the trees aren't in the water but they look like they are.

  3. Premièrement, je suis très jalouse que tu étais en Californie. Tu as la chance. La couleur de la quatrième est très vibrante et elle complément bien la composition de la photo. La symétrie de la dernière image est très belle aussi. La réflexion de la lune dans la première image me frappe parce que ça créé une bonne contraste avec le petit cercle blanc en bas et à gauche. Cela ma rappelle de l'essai "des rivières urbaines" parce que voici un autre cas où les choses synthétique imitent la nature.

  4. This is an awesome essay! I really like the images, they're strong, colorful, and serene. The only one that I didn't love was the one with the blurry fountain, I guess I would've preferred that to be more in focus, but it's still really good. I like the idea behind this as well because I think landscaping done well is fascinating and gorgeous, plus there is a golf course in the background in the last photo, bonus points. I also like the last photo for its simplicity and the parallels that run with the chairs and the palm trees.

  5. I really like the idea behind the essay! I feel like the last 3 photos are really strong because of the geometry in them. The last one is also really good due to the lack of people in the picture. The second photo is a great idea, but is the only that doesn't really have a strong geometric theme to it. Great job though!

  6. I also really enjoyed this essay. I feel like the images really capture the aura of Palm Springs. The clarity of the images is very strong and I'm so glad you decided to do the essay in color. I particularly enjoyed image number four. I like the contrast of the dark green of the pool water with the green of the adjacent tree. There are also some pretty cool (and suspicious looking) lines in the pool which create a neat effect. I really like image number five as well for its geometrical merit and the message that it conveys. My only critique would be that I wish the final image were a little brighter. I feel like if the sun were shining it would convey a stronger message of California. Maybe a personal preference. Overall, fantastic project, I really enjoyed it.
