Wednesday, February 29, 2012

À BYU c'est toujours l'heure pour le sommeil

 "The amount of sleep required by the average person is five minutes more."
 -Wilson Mizener
Ce n'est pas de mystère que des étudiants ne dorment pas assez. Avec les exigences de l'école, du travail, et bien sûr la vie sociale (s'il y a assez de temps pour ça), beaucoup d'étudiants luttent de rester éveillés et conscients. BYU n'est pas d'exception. Même si la majorité des étudiants sont LDS et réclament à adhérer aux principes de la Parole de Sagesse, qui nous enseigne de pratiquer des bonnes habitudes de sommeil, trop beaucoup souffrent d'un manque de sommeil. Plusieurs études de sommeil indique que des étudiants devraient avoir au moins 7 à 9 heures de sommeil chaque nuit. Beaucoup de problèmes découlent du manque de sommeil, y compris de mauvais résultats scolaires, la mauvaise mémoire, la prise du poids, la dépression, et un plus grand risque de la maladie. Une étude publié dans le Journal de la Santé des Adolescents a trouvé que seulement trente pour cent des étudiants dorment au moins 8 heures par nuit. Pour les étudiants à BYU, il faut trouver du temps pour le sommeil chaque fois que c'est possible, même si cela nécessite un peu de créativité et de flexibilité.





  1. I LOVE this essay. The thought of something like it had occurred to me, but having the guts to do it is a whole different story. The second and fourth are very strong compositionally; the use of line and blank space really sets them apart. The first one is pretty comical with the statue looking vaguely aware of the snoozing student but still lecturing on. Also they're technically strong, the light and exposure in each one is dead on.

  2. This is great! I especially like the first, second, and fifth pictures. In the first, I love the girl on the left and statue on the right, as well as the contrast that her dark clothes made in the pictures. I think black and white was a good decision. I also really like the lines and how the guy in centered in the second one. In the last one I like the people walking outside while the guy is asleep on the couch inside. It creates a cool contrast in ideas. It really caught my attention. In my opinion, the third photo is the weakest. it didn't really grab me the way the others did, but overall, the essay is great!

  3. This one was my favorite. It flows really well and has very strong lines in all 5 photos. The minimalist approach makes the essay very cohesive. The last one and the third one are a little too similar, I think - and the last one is much more eye-catching. It would have been cool if the window had crossed the SWKT building right down the corner. I agree that the black and white was a really great decision - the color would have been distracting in this case. Great job!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. As we discussed in class, your composition is great. The lines in the second picture draw us straight in and the contrast between the sleeping people and the statue or the floral display in the first and fourth pictures are great. I really like how you took this silly BYU stereotype and made it into art. Very impressive. I agree that the black and white was the way to go and that your minimalist style definitely allowed the essay to flow. Nice work.

  6. I actually took a picture of someone sleeping on campus once, but my photo didn't turn out like these. The minimalist backgrounds and framing draw more attention to the people and their situations. The choice of black and white also helps to smooth certain features. It seems like it would have been a lot of fun to do.

  7. I agree with some of the earlier comments about the simple back ground of some of the images. Photos one, two, and four in particular stand out to me, one and four because of the simple white back drop and two because of the strong lines leading to the subject of the photo. I really like the topic. I feel like you did an excellent job at capturing an every aspect of BYU culture, I feel like I’ve seen people around campus in those exact sleeping positions. You also did a great job at making them seem real, if they were posed, they don’t appear to be. Strong project.

  8. C’était intéressant de voir l’utilisation de l’espace vide. Lorsqu’on dort, ça ne bouge pas trop, et à mon avis, la nature statique des photos et l’espace vide ont fortifié l’essai. J’ai aimé la statue dans la première photo – c’était comme si la statue était plus en vie que la personne.
