Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Labeled. Named. Identified.

The way in which we relate to landscape is principally by defining it. We label it. And by labeling it as 'off limits', 'for sale', or 'Joaquin Park', the space is changed in our minds. But in such a rigidly codified environment, one must wonder, what would these places look like without the signs?


  1. I like this essay and the strong concept behind it. I especially like the signs outside of apartment complexes.

  2. I liked the signs and the idea is great.

  3. i really like the idea of how signs are so prevalant in every aspect of our lives. i especially like the picture of the cones.

  4. I like how the pictures are what our eyes see in our regular lives, and that makes them interesting.

  5. I like how you focused on something so ordinary and made us focus on it. Nice photos!

  6. your photo outside Fernwood is my favorite - i like how the for sale signs are the focal point of the entrance and not the flora which probably should is an interesting comment on the constant fluxing of the population in Provo.

  7. cool project. i think provo has WAY too many signs... as demonstrated by your last photo

  8. After seeing this project I've become way more aware of signs around me.
