Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Is there a New Topographics Style?

New Topographics has become a style within itself; it's own means of expression. The objective is to document the human footprint on the American landscape through objective photography.

"I hope that these photographs are sterile, that there's no emotional content." - Lewis Baltz

Yet photography is a subjective medium. All images are composed by the eye of the photographer. All subject matter is termed relevant by one's own preferences. One can even question the validity of using art photography as documentation.

"Documentary? That's a very sophisticated and misleading word. And not really clear...the term should be documentary style. An example of a literal document would be a police photograph of a murder scene. You see, a document has a use, whereas art is really useless. Therefore art is never a document, though it certainly can adopt that style." -Walker Evans

Though my subject matter is the manufactured American landscape, I document objects that resonate emotionally with me. The fragments of my culture are strewn across the landscape, once created by man, now destroyed by him. The present American culture can catch a glimpse of its future, reduced to merely a footprint on an ever-changing landscape. That is my New Topographics style.


  1. Nicely exposed and carefully compositioned.

  2. The couch picture makes this project. Great job.

  3. I am not a fan of these pictures with the exception of the couch. The photos are nice and clear...just not a fan.

  4. i absolutely love the picture of the couch. it just makes the mountain scenery that much more beautiful when contrasted with the ugly, out-of-place couch.

  5. I think it definitely fits the theme... I love the juxtaposition of the couch... hilarious. :)

  6. i thought it was a great idea. man has definitely left his footprint.

  7. This is an awesome idea. It makes Americans seem really ridiculous - shooting at random objects? haha typical. Well done, I thought they were great.

  8. such an interesting combination of where nature meets man, or man's waste rather. the shots are empty and yet make such a statement. nice work!

  9. great idea. the gun culture kind of fascinates me, and i think your project gets right to the reasons why.

  10. I like the concept. It would be fun to see even more stuff people shoot long as that stuff was dead before it got shot.

  11. Raw, weatherbeaten, sunbleached, dusty. I like the feel of these photos.

  12. I love the second one with the random tire set out there. Interesting idea and intro.

  13. I'm amazed the number of abandoned things you found. Tires and couches out of place. And having lived in the sticks, thinking about this makes me realize how often that happens.

    Nicely done.
