Thursday, April 15, 2010

'The cultural homogeny is stifling'

We all have our routines, and while sometimes they are nice, they can make our lives monotonous and boring. The only way to reverse our ruts is to add some color to our lives. In a similar way, the city can become boring and monotone. And while graffiti is illegal, it is a good way to break out of the monotonous urban rut. Adding color and having some humor can make even the most boring things much more interesting.


  1. definitely interesting... I guess breaking the rules is the spice of life right? :)

  2. I love tag art, and I especially love series on tag art. These are some pretty cool photos

  3. It's so interesting to see such beautiful colors and shapes on such ugly crap. You captured the art very well.

  4. I love how spooky the first one seems with the lighting and how there isn't much color. I think you did a great job finding graffiti here and this turned out really well!
